Your campground, cabin, or bed and breakfast website is all that stands between your customers and your business. By creating a well-designed, intuitive site, you can draw create the best possible user experience, turning site users into guests. If you are making any of the following mistakes, you could be hindering this process.
    • Hidden Contact Information: Online customer service starts with your clients being able to locate your email address and phone number. Be sure to have your contact information clearly displayed on your home page or under a contact tab. While tourism web design has endless content possibilities, it should not overshadow the most important aspects of the site.
    • Generic Content: Your campground or bed and breakfast website should show off your business with high quality photos, videos, and web copy. It is not enough to rely on stock images and vague descriptions. Be sure to invest in showing your customers exactly what they can expect from their experience.
    • Missing Social Integration: Social media is a useful tool for building community, increasing your customer reach, and ultimately drawing more people to your website. Your tourism website and social pages should be fully integrated to draw customers to all aspects of your online marketing presence. Be sure to have social media buttons in a clear place on your website and a link to your website on all of your social media pages.
    • Few Calls To Action: If you are missing calls to action, your customers may not be motivated to book with your business. While it’s important not to place too many on your website, consider placing several buttons that link to your contact of booking page, as well as clear encouragement to book with you.
    • A Tricky Booking System: Once your customers find their way to your booking page, make sure that it is as user friendly as possible. Systems with frequent bugs or poor layouts will be frustrating, filling your inbox with user complaints. Take the time to troubleshoot any issues and fine tune your system until it works seamlessly.

Once you have a beautiful, user-friendly website, be sure to invest in quality SEO. Search engine optimization drives about 75% of user traffic to websites, so it is certainly worth your time. With the right team and strategy, your tourism business will be filled with guests in no time at all.